The Grape Count

In Vino Veritas- "In Wine there is Truth"
Grapes to try to date: 200

Grapes tried: 104
Grapes to go:

Friday, January 7, 2011

#52- Plavic Mali

It was the wine I chose to ring in the new year with....and I'm hoping it was a reflection of the crazy year I had in 2010 and not the year to come in 2011. I was ready to bid 2010 adieu and to remain a distant memory and I hope to do the same with this wine!

The last wine of the year was disappointing to say the least. It's not that it was an awful tasting wine. The wine simply had no taste! A Croatian wine, I was excited to try another Mediterreanean wine. My disappointment with the Greek wines of late though wasn't keeping me too optimistic! And the wine does disappoint. Perhaps it tastes good if you've been a lifelong heavy smoker and you are smoking and drinking at the same time but I'm not a smoker and I found this wine to be absolutely tasteless!

New Year's foods abounded with taquitos and rissoles and pizza rolls and chocolates abounded. A red wine was chosen to make the red wine count for 2010 the same as the white wine count- 26 a piece!

The Plavic Mali grape is a red grape and is a cross between Zinfandel and Dorocic grapes. It tastes nothing like a Zinfandel so perhaps it's more Dorocic than than not.Plavic Mali literally translates to mean "blue small" referring to the grape itself. I'm sure you figured that out on your own. The winery is in Croatia and while I'm not certain it is bottled by Dalmacijavino Peljesac.

These wines are supposed to be full of flavour and rich in tannins. This wine was neither. I drank three glasses of it (it was New Year's) and I couldn't decide why I didn't like the wine. Easy enough to drink, my conclusion was that it didn't taste like wine. If I'm going to drink a glass, I want to know and feel and taste like it's a good glass of wine. This is is one you can definitely pass on-- it literally tasted like nothing at all.

Craig tried it a few days ago (as did I again) and the tannins in the wine were obvious but it actually made the wine undrinkable, even with it only being opened a few days. This was the first wine I actually had poured down the drain instead of finishing it.

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