The Grape Count

In Vino Veritas- "In Wine there is Truth"
Grapes to try to date: 200

Grapes tried: 104
Grapes to go:

Friday, August 26, 2011

#73- Melon de Bourgogne

Is that not the best name ever for a grape? Seriously. The wine I drank is the melon de Bourgogne grape but it's also known as Muscadet and that's what it said on the bottle but I'm going with the official grape name on this one for sure!

The winery is Chateau du Coing de St. Fiacre. The winery is located in France. It's a great website but note to the websmaster- not all of us are fond of listening to music and it'd be great if I could turn it off on the website rather than having to mute my computer.The wine is also known as Tradition Millenaire and there's a great description of it on the website.

The grape is considered a light lightweight and very acidic. It is very similar to a Riesling so if you like the lighter, sweeter white wines (but not a dessert wine), then you will likely like this wine. I did enjoy it very much. It was a beautiful evening outside and hung out back on my patio, just sitting and chilling, drinking the white wine and paired it with fresh shrimp and a nice shrimp dipping sauce. I wasn't sure about the pairing but the freshness of the wine went really well with the cool shrimp.

The Melon de Bourgogne grape is French (melon of Burgandy is what it translates to literally) but is found in other parts of the world as well. Outside of France, it's known as Melon as France is the only area in the world that can call their wines Muscadet.

It was very easy to drink and it took a lot of resistance not to drink the whole bottle and leave Craig any. As you can see by the picture, the wine was very yellow and that surprised me as usually that is an indication to me that I'm not going to like the wine very much. But I did- with a hint of spice and with the fruitiness of peach coming through, I found it an easy wine to drink.

It's definitely a great alternative to a Riesling if you're looking for a nice summer white and don't want to fall back on the regular wines.

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